3 Tips For Safer And More Effective Computer Recycling

When you think about recycling, it is easy to think about aluminum cans or paper. However, given that the EPA reported that in 2013, unwanted electronics comprised 1.87 million tons of waste recycling your old computers and their components is very important. Therefore, it is a good idea to be aware of the information below when your computer is no longer useful or usable to you, so that you can make the most appropriate choices for yourself and the world.

#1-Determine Which Components Are Still Usable Or Can Be Improved For A Reasonable Fee

One unfortunate aspect that is associated with old, broken or non-functioning computers is that many of the discarded units will still have usable parts. For instance, when the hard drive is non-functional, the motherboard could easily still be functional. Yet, entire computers are often disposed of when an expensive computer component breaks.

Therefore, it is important to remove the damaged portions of the computer and donate them to a worthy charity if you no longer want to use the computer. If you are unsure as to the best way to do so, contact the recycling facility with whom you would like to work and they are likely to be able to help you to do so.

#2-Have The Hard Drive Wiped To Protect Your Personal Information

Given that so much personal information, including banking and tax information, are stored on the hard drive of a personal computer, it is of the utmost importance to make sure that the information in question is no longer accessible when the unit is no longer yours. If you are technologically savvy, there are many different software programs that can facilitate that for you. 

Otherwise, you may find that computer professionals will provide that function for you. However, it is better to not depend on the company receiving the computer components from you, as there is increased security when you have verification that your information is no longer on the hard drive. 

#3-Find Safer Ways To Recycle The Dangerous Chemicals Your Computer May Contain

It is often surprising to learn that the chemicals present within your computer have the potential to do significant harm to the soil if it is placed directly into the ground. Specifically, mercury, nickel ,and lead can contaminate a landfill and the area around it. Therefore, if those items can safely be recycled, you should speak with the computer recycling organizations in your area to see if they have a program to deal with that type of waste. If they don't, they can probably point you in the right direction to find an organization that can provide that function.

In conclusion, recycling your old computer or its components in a safe and effective manner serves a variety of functions and provides unique benefits to you, your electronic security and the planet itself. As a result, it will behoove you to familiar with the facts listed above.  For more information or assistance, contact companies like Ranch Town Recycling Center Inc.
